Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Daily Success Tracker

Good Morning!

Today is hump day! Literally-it's my 3rd day on Take Shape For Life and my body should go into the true fat burning state I need to get rid of all this extra fat! I can't wait!

My health coach gave me some extra tips on how to get thru today and not cave into the cravings for carbs. It's been nice having a coach at the beginning of my journey-it's like having your own cheerleader!  She's gone thru what I'm going thru (just not as many years -she's much younger than me!) so I know the words of advice she's giving me will work.

The first thing I've started filling out DAILY is a preprinted Daily Success Tracker. It's to help me keep up with the number of Medifast Meals, optional condiments, optional snack, my Lean & Green Meal & the amount of water I've consumed.

It's really helpful because you lose count.  At my age-there is no point in thinking I can remember it all day! LOL

I've also been putting stars on the Medi meals so I'll remember if I liked them a little or a lot. When I'm ready to reorder my food, I'll know what I truly like.

Yesterday I enjoyed

Southwest Eggs, peach tea, chicken noodle soup, apple cinnamon cereal and nacho cheese bites.

All their food has the right amount of nutrients which totally amazes me!  Each thing tastes like what it's called.  I'm still in shock about how tasty it is.

I'm feeling pretty good this morning after having a slight headache yesterday most of the day.  Can you image all the sugar & bad stuff leaving my body?!  I know my body is in a state of shock!  It hardly goes one day without major carb input! LOL

Anyway, I'm looking forward to today.  Knowing I'm getting healthy so I can enjoy the rest of my life!

Off to work now!
Karen C

1 comment:

  1. Wow Karen,

    Your food sounds wonderful, funny how it seems more when its all listed down. I pray the Lord gives you fortitude to not only reach your goals, but to enjoy the journey to your goal weight. After all, He blessed you with a wonderful healthy body - a temple out of which you do GOOD works for HIS kingdom.

    ♥ Barb


I am praying daily for myself and others that struggle with being overweight.

EPH 2:10 For we are Gods Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.