Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Monday, September 18, 2023

WW is working!!

 While I truly believe any diet works if you follow it, it's hard to follow just any diet.  To make a lifetime commitment to follow it.  I've done them all!

I've been on Weight Watchers for 2 months now.  Weighed in this morning at 246.2.  Down 14.8 pounds!

It hasn't all been easy.  I haven't done well every day.  I'm trying to break a lifetime of bad eating habits.  I'm really trying to be realistic.  When I do overeat, I don't just give up like I have in the past.  I just start the next meal (not the next day or the next Monday) back on plan.

My mind is having to heal and get in line with what is best.

Romans 8:5-6

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
Our mind tends to listen to our feelings.  We have to deny our feelings and just do what is right.
That's my two bits for today.
Have a blessed day!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Starting weight 256. Getting healthy Naturally

 Yes! I'm putting it all out there! My highest weight was 270. Thankfully I'm not starting there again!

I joined Weight Watchers today.  Another app that is good at food tracking, getting ideas.  I did it years ago, but never really knew what they were tracking. Didn't know about Macro's, etc.  They give you "FREE" foods.  You don't even have to track them. You track everything else.  The more protein and fiber and no sugar something has, the better for you it is.

That's the mindset I want to continue my life in. Low sugar, low fat, healthy protein and fiber.

I also started following a guy on Tik Tok and Instagram.  His page is Change the Road.  He counts calories.  Has lost 200 pounds in 2 years.  He has some good ideas too.  It's encouraging because there's not many people that choose to diet this way.

Some people are taking those new shots out there, but I just don't want to rely on a shot.  Lots of people are not even seeing results and are scared to stop-scared they will gain back the few pounds they lost.

Let's do it naturally!!

My son had me figure up my  BASE LINE.  Exactly how many calories it takes to maintain my 256 pounds. I figured it up on website calculator.net . I need 2412 calories per day to stay 256 pounds.  But if I cut my calories to just 2162, I'll lost 1/2 pound per week.  1912 calories per day I'll lose 1 pound per week.

I know, I know, we all want to lose it FAST!  But that's not what is healthy.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Jumping Around Diet World!!

 I'm 62. Have been overweight my whole life.

Have tried every diet known to man!  Daniels diet, weight watchers (multiple times), Adkins, Keto, Mediterranean, plain low carb, Tuna and beets, Medifast, then Optavia, Cabbage Soup, you name it!!

I'm tired of "being on a diet" and never losing weight! Wonder if anyone else has gone through this?  I want to do it, but can never stick to it.

I truly believe if you stick with ANY diet, it would work.  I just can't maintain for more than 6 months.  

About a month ago, my son had me try his diet.  Now, keep in mind he works out every day! Has done it for over 20 years.  Was super strict. Breakfast was good, but the rest of the day, cabbage, rice, chicken, fish, beans. That was it!  I knew I couldn't sustain that.

The idea behind it was zero sugar and counting calories. Output more calories than you consume.  Not a new idea-but I've NEVER counted calories. Never wanted to. But I'm thinking this is my last chance!  I've got to do something. I want to be as healthy as possible on this last phase of my life. 

I joined the YMCA. That was my big commitment!!  I love water aerobics. I've been faithful to go 2-3 times per week for a month!! Yeah me!

I've also been tracking my food on my Fitbit app.

I'm going to start my blog back up to help me as well. Thoughts, recipes, what's working.  I want to look back and see how far I've come!!