Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Started Exercising!

The program doesn't want you to exercise until after you've been on it for 3 weeks.  Well, I've had so much energy-I've WANTED to exercise! Crazy huh?  Maybe because for the first time in my life someone said "Don't Exercise"!  The child in me just wanted to rebel!

Our receptionist at work walks every day during her lunch hour.  Mind you-she broke her foot 3 1/2 months ago and hasn't been able to walk until 2 weeks ago.  She's been itching to get back to it.  She limps and is in pain, but she does it anyway.  Doesn't matter what the tempature is-she does it.  It's very encouraging!

So today I walked with her.  Due to her limp, I was able to keep up with her!  She's a tiny little thing and walks fast usually. 

It was a very nice walk. I walked 15 minutes.  When I got inside-my ears and nose were like ice cubes!  I'm definitely going to have to do inside exercise until spring. 

I'm really excited because I reordered a shipment of meals yesterday.  Was able to order some of the same and different items.  Pancakes, chili, brownies....does it sound like I'm on a diet?  Sure doesn't taste like it either! LOL

I'm still feeling strongly about following this program to my goal weight. By the way-that's 148.  I'll have lost a total of 114 pounds!  I've never BELIEVED I could do it in the past until this diet program.  I'm a believer now!

I'm having steak for dinner.  Yummmmmmmmm

Proverbs 27:2
Let another praise you,
and not your own mouth;
someone else, and not your own lips.

Karen C

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I am praying daily for myself and others that struggle with being overweight.

EPH 2:10 For we are Gods Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.