Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Building Your Happiness

United Heath Care published a thin little magazine.  It had this fantastic article in there on how being happy is part of living longer.

I wanted to share some of the statements that was made.

Happiness isn't something you chase-it's something you recognize.

Another word for this: Gratitude.  It can be hard to be grateful for things you take for granted.  That's why we come up with ways to remind ourselves to be grateful, like saying grace at meals.

There's actual neuroscience behind this:  Keeping a gratitude journal modifies brain activity.   When people write down 3 good things about their day for a few weeks, their brain chemistry actually changes.  These effects last for months.

My day just started-I'm so grateful for a new day.  God has blessed me with a new day!
I pray I'll be able to share a smile, hug, prayer or kind word with someone today.

I'm grateful for my health.  There are so many of my friends that have 24/7 pain. Who don't rest well. Who are confined to their home. I never want to take my health for granted.

I'm grateful for my warm home.

What are you grateful for?

Have a blessed day!


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I am praying daily for myself and others that struggle with being overweight.

EPH 2:10 For we are Gods Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.