Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Monday, October 22, 2012

Your Take Shape For Life

I'm starting a new program today. The food replacements are from Medifast.  You may have heard of it-I never have.

You eat 6 times per day.  5 of them are with their food replacements.  They had several things to choose from:
shakes, bars, soups, pretzels, brownies, drinks, cappachino

Each thing is made with the right amount of vitamins, protein, etc. to promote fat burning.

I know a girl that has lost 105 pds since February!  Amazing right?

To say I'm skeptical would be an understatement!!

I've tried so many weight lost plans.....all to lose nothing except my money, my time & my temper!

I'll tell you why I chose to do this.

1. I'm 51 & weight 262.  My time is short. I want to live as many fruitful days as possible.
2. I'm having trouble getting up & down, breathing, sweating all the time, can't polished my toes.  In other words-every day life is becoming a problem. NOT GOOD.
3. I still value my self.  God made me wonderfully & I know I'm NOT at my full potential being obese.

My shipment of food replacements came in Friday evening. I stuck them in the closet so I could start today.

I'll be back.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,

    I thought I'd come visit you on THIS blog, coz its more about YOU!

    I have never heard of this Medifast, it sounds interesting and I'll enjoy seeing how you do and praying for you as you take this Journey.

    I appreciate your openness in sharing.



I am praying daily for myself and others that struggle with being overweight.

EPH 2:10 For we are Gods Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.