Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Matter!

Yes, you.

I know that it’s sometimes hard to hold to, this truth that you are important.
But it is true.  You have been chosen by God for this place and this time in this world.
Your heart matters to Him, so much that He would not allow sin to hold power over you and keep you from His presence.  He sent Jesus to redeem you, because He loved you and He wanted your heart for His own.  Your heart, created by His non-erring hand, is valuable to Him…

..and you are valuable to the rest of us, to your brothers and sisters in Christ, and to the people in your life who don’t know Him.

You have a story to tell. 

Whether it’s through your actions or through your words… maybe through music or painting… maybe through the food you take to those who are hurt or hungry… perhaps in the phone call you make when someone crosses your mind… perhaps in the faithful way you do your job and speak kindly to those around you… however you tell it, your story is important because it is the truth of a God who loves us, who reaches into our lives and sets us free.  This is a treasure in your hands, my friend… the fact that He has made you new, has called you Son or Daughter, has filled you with His Spirit. We bear witness to His grace… and when we all tell our piece of the Great Story, His Good News, we reveal Him to the people around us.

When we all tell our stories, I believe He is revealed to the entire world.

But here’s what can happen ~ Satan, our enemy who seeks to destroy and to devour any image-bearer of God, sneaks in and tells you that no one notices you.  You might as well be invisible, whether you’re sitting at home or on a church pew or walking around at work.  You don’t have anything to offer… everybody else says it better.  Everybody else knows more.  Everybody else… well, they have it covered.  Who needs you?

If he can persuade you to believe that you are insignificant, he silences your testimony.  He silences your story… because he wants to silence the Gospel.

Do not believe his lies.  Do not be silenced.

God has chosen you.  He has called you to be a witness of His mercy.  He has created you with all of those gifts and personality-quirks that make you you…

and we need you.

See the whole article at  Christian Women Online

We are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” ~Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.  Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.”~Ephesians 1:11


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

8 mths & going strong

Since starting my Take Shape For Life program in Oct 2012, I've lost a total of 74 pounds. 
The last few weeks have been tougher.  My focus has been wavering.
I've had to remind myself why I'm on this journey.

Wearing a size 12-14 is definitely a major prize!
But more importantly, I'm able to play with my extremely active 18 mth old granddaughter.
I've been able to come off of one of my high blood pressure pills, decreased my depression med from 225mg to 75 mg. Deleted my sleeping pill.

My doctors are ecstatic! 

I'm exercising daily and loving every minute! 

Since I've gotten rid of all my "bigger" clothes-there will be NO turning back!

Healthy life-I'm here to stay!!