Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The numbers are in!

Hello everyone in the blogging world!

I've been on Take Shape For Life 17 weeks.  Started 10/22/12. 

My starting weight was 261.8 and as of 2/18/13  it was 215.  That's a total of 46.8 pounds!! Woohoo

Even better are my measurements.

                     Start                    as of 2/18/13      Total inches lost

Bust               48.5                    45                       3.5
Upper stom     44                      38                        6
Waist              43.5                   37.5                     7
Hip                  53                     47                        6
Thigh              29.5                   25                        4.5
Calf                17                      15.5                     1.5
Arm                16.5                   15                        1.5


I simply cannot believe it.  God is so good!  He lead me right to this program. He's given me the will power and strength to endure.  I feel like I'm going to make to the end!

There are so many little things I'm starting to notice. I can feel my collar bones starting to emerge!
I can cross my legs a lot more comfortably.  I can go up and down the stairs at work and not even be short of breath.

Walking is of course, the easiest to do.  We have a couple of walking tracks near where I live and when it wasn't freezing cold-I've walked laps.
I've started a zumba class! That's definitely something I could have never done at my starting weight! 
We've been painting our den, kitchen and spare bath. We've sanded the floor boards. Now THAT was lots of exercise! Climbing up and down step ladder, bending, squating, sitting in floor, brush strokes-boy-it adds up!

It's all about moving more and I'm doing that.

Here's my new photos of myself: