My name is Karen Conner and I'm addicted to food.
There-I've said it. I love food. I love to eat. I eat for comfort, for fun, when I'm bored, nervous, sad, happy, watching TV, driving to work, you name it.
I've been on hundreds of diets. Well, in my head-I've said "your on a diet"-but over the years that really doesn't mean anything. My deep inner self still makes excuses to eat what I want.
Therefore, I've NEVER lost any weight while I was on a "diet".
Today I stumbled upon-that's really what it's called "Stumbled Upon"-ha ha
#39 says to do a blog.
My plan is to blog about all 100 ways & see if it helps me or anyone else! GOOD LUCK!!
100 ways to lose weight effectively & keep it off. Here they are:
Tips and tricks for losing weight
- Drink one pint of cold water when you get up – This kick-starts your metabolism.
- Don’t skip breakfast – Having breakfast tells your
body that it is day time again and that there is no need to slow the
metabolism because you are sleeping.
- Use cinnamon – Add to an apple pie or other desert, it is the perfect spice to speed the metabolism
- Steer clear from creamy, coconut based curries – If
you have to eat curry have something tomato based or something from the
Tandoori oven. Skip that naan bread too and go for plain rice.
- Eat spicy food – The spicier your food the more calories it takes to digest, making it lower in calories than the same food with no spic.
- Drink Green tea – This can boost your metabolism, is high in anti-oxidants and is caffeine free.
- Stop eating three hours before bed – This goes for
drinks that aren’t water also. Your sleeping body will struggle to
digest and burn off all those evening calories when your metabolism is
- Do yoga – Not only does it help you to lose weight, you’ll also be more flexible, improve your posture and feel more energised.
- Metabolism is better in the morning – Do all your exercise and heavy eating in the morning to maximise how much you burn off.
- Don’t just stick to cardio – Include strength
training in your workout, if you can build more lean muscle your body
will lose the fatty bits quicker. You’ll also stop yourself from getting
loose skin.
- Go for a walk during your lunch break – Don’t sit and stare at the TV in the coffee room for an hour, get outside, go for a walk!
- Walk the dog – Walking the dog is fun and great exercise. If you don’t have a dog, get one or go walk a friend’s.
- Don’t starve yourself – If you let your body go into starvation mode your metabolism will slow and losing weight will be harder.
- Try and eat five to six small meals – Doing this will keep your metabolism active.
- Eat wholemeal foods – This includes pasta, cereal and bread. These sorts of carbs will keep you sustained for longer and contain less calories.
- Go light – Try eating light mayonnaise and salad dressings, every try low calorie bread an cheese!
- Bake or grill instead of fry – Usually fry those burgers or bacon, grill it or bake in the oven, a much healthier option.
- Track your weightloss progress – Just trying to
lose weight without monitoring things like your start weight, current
weight and goal weight will lead you to just feeling hungry with no
- Avoid very restrictive diets – Don’t go on a diet
that leaves you feeling hungry and craving foods because you’ll just
give in a binge. Go on a diet that allows you to eat some of the foods
you love in moderation.
- Use a measuring tape – Just because you aren’t
losing the pounds doesn’t mean that you aren’t losing inches. Measure
your waist, hips and any other bits you want to lose on when you weight
yourself. Keep track of all of it.
- Build healthy habits – Don’t just eat loads of
fruit, exercise and eat healthily when you are on a diet. Even when you
reach your goal weight keep these healthy habits to maintain that
- Join online weight loss support forums – There are
hundreds of forums and communities online that will give you support,
weight trackers and dieting buddies to keep you motivated.
- Read labels – Keep an eye on your calorie, fat,
protein and carb intake, especially if your diet restricts one of those
things. Note down what you eat, how much of it and the nutrition
- Tell people – If people know that you are on a diet
then they are less likely to suggest MacDonalds for lunch. Some may
even give you support, tips from their diets and will also notice when
you do lose weight.
- Buy a Wii – Get a Wii, play Wii sports and play Wii fit. These games are fun for all the family and certainly help you work up a sweat.
- Set realistic goals – A good amount it to lose
1-2lbs a week, any more then you will start losing weight unhealthily,
leading to a weight rebound. Set a goal you can realistically achieve
and you will feel so brilliant when you reach it.
- Take supplements – Often when you are dieting you
might miss out on essential nutrients that may help the weightloss
process, take a simple multi-vitamin once a day.
- Create a motivation sheet – Create in paint, on
paper or in photoshop a sheet containing photos of yourself you hate.
Pictures of people you aspire to be like and statements saying why you
want to lose weight and what you will be able to do. Make it your
computer desktop.
- Find your ideal weight – There are loads of calculators online that will look at your height and build to determine your idea weight.
- Don’t ignore your BMI – This is your body mass
index, great for normal people who want to get to their ideal healthy
weight. Less good for body builders with loads and loads of heavy
muscle. It takes your height and weight into account; you need a BMI of
around 25 to be healthy.
- Don’t eliminate the foods you love – Eliminating
foods you love with cause you to over eat when you can get to them. This
will undo all your hard work. Treat yourself but do it in moderation.
- Find a diet buddy – Having someone to talk to about your weight loss plight will help you to both keep on track.
- You aren’t in this alone – Finding others with a
similar amount to lose will help you keep on track. This is especially
useful if the people in your day to day life aren’t dieting, you can end
up feeling lonely.
- Don’t keep junk food in the house – If there is junk food in the house then it will be harder to restrain yourself.
- Try something new – If a friend asks you to go
belly dancing then try it, it is a brilliant way to lose weight. Doing
new and exciting things will stop your weight loss from becoming boring.
- Set small goals – After setting your goal weight
set small goats, perhaps monthly. You’ll be so motivated at hitting that
small goal that you’ll be spurred on to get to the next one.
- Look at yourself in the mirror – Get a full length
mirror and look at yourself every so often in a variety of clothes, note
how they fit, how you are looking better and how you will look even
better when you get to your goal weight.
- Create a look book – A look book is a series of
pictures of you in different outfits. Taking a photo every other day or
so will help you to keep track of how you are looking. You can then
compare the old photos and new and revel in the fact that you now look
- Start a blog – Keeping a blog is a great way of
writing down what you eat, how much you are losing, what you are trying
and even posting photos of yourself. This can keep you motivated and on
track by keeping the diet plan at the forefront of your mind.
- Muscle weighs more than fat – If you find that one
week you haven’t lost or have even gained then don’t forget that all
your exercise could be building muscle. Measure your waist, if you’ve
lost inches then great.
- Drink water – If you feel hungry then drink a glass
of water, the brain sometimes struggles to tell the difference between
hunger and thirst.
- Eat slowly – Easting slowly will give your brain
more time to adjust to the fact that you are getting full. If you wolf
down a meal very, very quickly then you will find that after you will
feel bloated. Only eat as much as you need to.
- Cook with non stick pans – Doing this means you won’t need to use the butter and oil to stop your food sticking to the bottom of your pan.
- Create a menu as a shopping list – If you can plan exactly what you are eating on a day to day basis you won’t buy food that you then feel the need to eat.
- Satisfy your sweet tooth – Don’t deny yourself
sweet treats, have a small bar of chocolate just take its calories into
account. For a healthy sweet treat try microwaved apples with a sprinkle
of cinnamon.
- Add apples into your diet – Apples are full of fibre and can help to curb your appetite better than any food supplement. Cheaper too.
- Walk to work – If you don’t live too far from work
then walk or bike in, you will burn around 300 calories more than if you
drove for 15 minutes in rush hour traffic.
- Never leave home hungry – Even if you are going out for a meal you should have a small snack of fruit, this will stop you from overeating when out.
- Start saving for that new outfit – Having money to buy your new size 12 jeans will keep you motivated to get to that goal weight.
- You don’t need to finish everything on your plate – If you feel full stop eating.
- Be smart then it comes to Fastfood – When going out
for fast food, be clever about what you eat. Stay clear of the fried
foods and huge portions, go for a small hamburger or baguette with a
diet soda.
- Stay focused on being healthy not becoming thin –
If you obsess about your weight then you’ll never see a change. Focus on
being healthy and the weight loss will follow with out all the stress.
- Start on high calories – If you are calorie
counting, find out what you need to lose two pounds a week. Start as
high as 1700 calories a day and when you start to plateau you can drop
it down to 1500, your body will also have time to adjust and won’t think
that you are trying to starve yourself.
- Watch your portion sizes – It is okay to treat
yourself to steak and chips but have a small grilled steak and a few
chips, fill up on fresh veg and water.
- Don’t skip meals – People think that skipping a
meal will lead to less calories and therefore weight loss but you’ll
find that your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows
down making it harder to shift the calories when you next eat. If you
find you aren’t hungry just have a small, healthy snack such as a
- Buy new clothes – If you buy new clothes when
you’ve moved down a dress size or two then you can throw away the old
clothes. This means you will be less likely to go back to those old
- Don’t give up – You are bound to have bad days but get over it and move on so you can continue with the diet and exercise the next day.
- Add a fruit or veg serving – If you add just one
serving of fruit or veg a day then you can slowly build this up to get
your five a day without a big diet change.
- Have a salad for lunch – Doing this means you can have a dessert with your dinner because you’ve saved up on calories.
- Do the housework – Doing work around the house or in the garden can help you to move and work up a sweat, great exercise.
- Stop eating out – Of course don’t cut this out of
your social life completely but think about hosting a dinner party once
in a while. It’ll be cheaper and you can control the amount of calories
you consume.
- Take your kids out – Running around with your kids in the park is great exercise, break out a football
- Don’t obsess – You can keep an eye on what you are
eating and how much you are exercising but don’t obsess, it will lead to
stress and you feeling miserable.
- Limit your intake – If you have to give in to that
craving then limit how much you have, just one scoop of ice cream or two
segments of that chocolate bar.
- How does your weight affect you life – If you could
get down to your goal weight what would you be able to do that you can
do now? Play with your kids, shop in your favourite clothes shop or
simply fit into that perfect wedding dress.
- Don’t feel guilty – If you get full and don’t eat
all of your meal don’t feel pressured to finish it just because it’ll be
thrown away otherwise. Think about your waist line.
- Take time to cook a meal – When you are fussing
more over a meal then you will probably eat less when you come to meal
time. Also moving around and cooking will burn more calories than
putting something in the oven and leaving it.
- Chew sugar free gum – This keeps your mouth busy so you won’t be tempted, plus most foods will taste awful after all that minty flavour.
- Try out the clothes that are too small for you –
You’ll either find that they fit or that they don’t, if they don’t keep
dieting and exercising if they do then celebrate with more clothes in
that size and move on to your next goal.
- If you feel the need to eat call a friend – This
will take your mind off what you wanted to eat and will give you
something more productive to do instead. If you can’t get hold of anyone
go online and chat.
- Give yourself different reasons to lose weight – Of
course you want to lose weight to be happier, healthier and better
looking but what about losing weight so your trousers don’t wear out
between your things or so no one ever called you ‘that big girl,’ again.
- Substitute – Swap mayonnaise for mustard, start
drinking semi-skimmed milk instead of full fat, eat wholemeal pasta and
brown rice as opposed to their plain versions.
- Keep reminding yourself – If you keep reminding
yourself that you need to lose weight then you won’t stray from the
path. Have something on your desktop reminding you of your goals, if you
have an iPhone use an application that tracks your weight, update your
blog with everything you are doing.
- Flavour your own water – A lot of people don’t like
the taste of water and steer clear from it. Don’t do this, water is so,
so good for you, flavour it with a bit of lemon on lime.
- Remember that being over weight reduces the chance of getting pregnant – So if you are trying for kids then try and shed some pounds!
- Don’t crash diet – If you crash diet and lose 10lbs
in two weeks or something else ridiculous then you will have a weight
rebound which will put you right back to square one. Lose the weight
steadily and it’ll stay off.
- Drink a glass of water before a meal – This will make you feel fuller, stopping you from over eating.
- Buy a bottle of water – If you are in a shop about to buy a drink, opt for water and nothing fizzy.
- Eat Fresh fruit – Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice, more or less the same flavour without the additives but with more nutrition!
- Try new vegetables – You may think that you aren’t a
fan of veg but there’s so much on offer try something new like
asparagus or rocket instead of peas and lettuce.
- Drink black tea or coffee – Cutting out the milk
and sugar can cut out loads of calories, if you need your caffeine fix
then without milk or sugar these drinks have practically no calories.
- Chocolate is a luxury – Have chocolate and other sweet fattening foods as a treat every so often and savour them as you have them.
- Embrace vegetarianism – Not every meal has to have meat in it, try and put a few meatless dishes into your weekly menu.
- Use sweetener not sugar – You can’t taste the
difference in tea or coffee and certainly not on cereal so you’ll be
cutting calories and not even noticing!
- Go easy on salt – There’s no need to put salt on a
meal, if you’ve cooked it properly it should taste just fine without
adding the extra salt at the table.
- Boil your veg – Doing this is so much healthier than baking them. If you can then even eat them raw all the nutrients get lost upon cooking.
- Reward yourself – If you see a change in your
weight or waist size don’t reward yourself with chocolate but buy
yourself something nice or go out with a friend.
- Get it yourself – Instead of asking your partner / child / housemate to get yourself something get up off the couch and get it yourself.
- Get up during the adverts – Get up, get a glass of water, stretch, you don’t need to see the adverts, get moving instead.
- Exercise at your desk – Having a job where you are
sitting all day makes it difficult to burn calories, move as much as you
can, stretch at your desk, go for a walk around the office. Get up to
speak to someone rather than using the internal phone system.
- Park a little way from your destination and walk the rest of the way
– If you have to drive for half an hour to get to work then you can’t
really attempt to walk it but you can drive for twenty minutes then walk
the rest of the way.
- Run up the stairs – Don’t move slowly up the stair case, try and run up as fast as you can or take two at a time.
- Go swimming – Swimming is a fun way of exercising,
especially if you have kids that you can play with. Although it is best
to do lengths messing around and playing can be very beneficial.
- Exercise during your morning routine – For example
when brushing your teeth don’t just stand there; lift yourself up on
your toes, stretch the back of your legs and down again. Do this until
you are done brushing.
- Don’t slouch – Sit upright, tuck your tummy in and retain good posture.
- Stay Comfortable – Don’t over do it, if you find
that your exercise routine is making you ache and you are in pain and
unable to move then step it down a little. Do ten minutes less a day or
take on a more sedate kind of exercise. You need to be able to feel that
it is working but don’t hurt yourself.
- Organise an exercise plan and stick to it – Set
something you can realistically stick to so you aren’t missing sessions.
If you are new to exercise try ten minutes a day to begin with and then
build it up.
- Go over your food diary – Pinpoint where you’ve lost the most weight and if you’ve put on anywhere, then try and work out why to improve your diet.
- Go to your Doctor – If your weight is wildly out of
control and you don’t think you can manage it with healthy eating and
exercise then go to your doctor they can advise on calorie intake, an
exercise plan and maybe even some pills.
- Limit alcohol intake – Limit your intake to one glass a day and be smart about it, clear spirits and dry white wine are the healthiest options.